Thread: Balling method
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Old 12-27-2012, 04:00 AM
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Originally Posted by The Grizz View Post
I have been running pellets for well over a yr now with undectectable PO4 & NO4. So far from what I have read about Ocean Fresh it's a good stable product at a reasonable price as well.
Ok, well that's good. Be careful not to do any unintentional carbon dosing then...some products have funny names. Stay away from anything that says it reduces nutrients or sludge buildup and that such thing as it may mess with your biopellets by screwing up the PO4/NO4 balance. Since those are working, don't F with them.

I honestly don't think adding any trace products will reduce your water changes though. I would be very skeptical of such claims. For what it costs, I think a 10% waterchange will probably get you better results.

We don't have a local store here in Red Deer so I rely on days like today to buy salt. [...] Only way to get stuff here we need is to go to the big cities or online shop
Don't you have a "usual' LFS in Calgary or Edmonton? Talk to the place where you do the most of your dry goods purchasing. This is where privately owned LFS really shine. If you're doing a lot of online shipping though then you probably haven't developed a real good customer relationship with an LFS, and in that case you're up the creek. This is why I always encourage people to shop at their LOCAL Fish Store.

another reason I have been thinking of setting up a small shop at home.
That's probably not a great idea. If you're just doing very small amount of sales then you won't be buying enough from suppliers to get any reasonable pricing anyway and it will just be one giant PITA. Check your zoning too - it may not allow home-based business.
~ Mindy

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