Originally Posted by Myka
I haven't found any of the carbon dosing in a bottle stuff to work too well for lowering nutrients, biopellets are probably the best bet there. So if you have PO4 and NO4 handled with that then you're looking at trace schtuff. Brightwell Aquatics is another I would consider looking at, and Prodibio. I really like Prodibio products - mainly the BiOptim and BioDigest (improve color even though I don't find they affect nutrients at all). The Fauna Marin Ultra Organic is a nice product but has to be used sparingly. These are affordable products that don't need daily dosing.
FWIW, try talking to your LFS about buying salt in bulk...you may be able to work a deal. Also, many suppliers have salt sales (particularly Instant Ocean and Reef Crystals) which vendors don't pass on to the customer. Ask your LFS to let you know when that sale it going on and see if s/he would cut you a deal if you buy 6 or 10 pails during the sale.
I have been running pellets for well over a yr now with undectectable PO4 & NO4. So far from what I have read about Ocean Fresh it's a good stable product at a reasonable price as well.
We don't have a local store here in Red Deer so I rely on days like today to buy salt. I still have a 2 - 200 gal boxes of Reef Crystals left from last yr & picked up 6 - 160 gal buckets today @ Big Al's in Edmonton. Only way to get stuff here we need is to go to the big cities or online shop, another reason I have been thinking of setting up a small shop at home.