Thread: far cry 3
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Old 12-24-2012, 04:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Nano View Post
Lol practice makes perfect. Do you play on pc or console? I found ps3 easiest to do it on just cause I like the controller. Basically just line the guy up in your cross hairs, then click aim and hold you breath at the same time. Then fire lol its hard to explain I'd have to show you :P for me I just do it.. and no scopes too. For that depending on the game I like the L96A1 (black ops) MW2 and 3 I like the Barrett 50cal or intervention, black ops 2 I like pretty much all the sniper rifles but the DSR-50 would be my top choice for bolt action where as the XPR-50 would be my choice for semi-auto or comparable to the Barrett 50 cal in some aspects. Depending on your system I could give you a schooling one day, but would prefer mw3 over black ops 2 as its easier to learn on mw3
I'm in next time your up we will have a cod party lol ill have to try the holding breath haven't tried that while quick scoping
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