Thread: Balling method
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Old 12-23-2012, 04:48 PM
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Done some minor reading on this. I have heard people call automated 2-part or 3-part dosing but I think the actual Balling method is dosing different things than just CaCl, Alk and Mg. In true Balling the salts used are different but result in salinity going up so in extreme cases you actually have to take water out of the tank and replace with straight RO/DI in order to maintain steady SG.

My biggest concern with this method at least locally is the steady supply of the dosing salts. This might be better nowadays than when I last looked into it though. I found with other fad-like things though (that sounds more harsh than intended but bear with me) that availability of supplies tends to be bursty - a really good supply with vendors until they run out and then there's that awkward period of time where whatever-it-is-you-need-at-the-moment has to be ordered or its on back-order or yadda yadda yadda you know the drill. So I kind of dismissed this method for myself but I can't deny that those tanks that I have seen were very very nice tanks.

The only tanks I've seen who were using true Balling were TOTM's in Europe and Japan but I would imagine will start to catch on a bit here in North America sooner or later.
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