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Old 12-19-2012, 04:40 PM
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Seriak Seriak is offline
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Seriak is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
just when i thought i couldn't get any dumber... i go and do something like this.

so the iMac has a dvd slot and an sd card slot on the right hand side. i went to slap my camera card into the sd slot and accidentally fired it into the dvd slot. i hear the sound of the card fall into the guts of my machine. velvet fibres line the slot to keep dust out so no chance of seeing inside!

i shut it down and propped it off the end of my desk. leaned it on my head as i blindly poke around the inside with the blade off my coping saw! i just pulled a horseshoe out of my rear end... i got it out! no stress-free task considering it's a 27" screen and my livelihood.

so just a warning... don't be a dumbass like me!
Reminds me about that commercial and the grilled cheese in the VCR slot.
So many ideas, so little money!
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