Originally Posted by kien
Ditto on the salt. H2Ocean is one of my fav. Although I will occasionally rotate in a WC with RC still, just for fun. So who gets to tank sit during the Christmas holidays?
This tank, shouldn't need much babysitting...

My office tank however will, I am topping off my ATO Friday which will last till monday, then my manager will come in monday to 2 pre-filled jugs of water to top up the ATO which will last until I get back in on Friday. As for feedings, I am going to use an Autofeeder with flake/pellet for the weekend, manager will feed Frozen and Nori on Monday and the autofeeder will take care of xmas day and boxing day. Skimmer should be ok for the entire time I'm gone. I'm also leaving a 35G batch of fresh SW in the case that things go horribly wrong. *knock on wood*!