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Old 12-18-2012, 01:48 PM
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fishoholic fishoholic is offline
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Originally Posted by iceman86 View Post
This weekend I did my LFS run looking for a diamond goby. I made it to 5 stores 3 didn't have any but in 2 the price was still listed for $30 cuz they just sold. the other two stores that did have them were $50. Where is the competition? I just walked out.
Prices vary depending on how much shipping was charged on the whole order: for example, sometimes if you do a larger order the supplier will give you a break on shipping, but sometimes the larger order costs more to ship depending on weight. Also where the shipment comes from (indo shipments are usually cheeper then anywhere else) will effect the price. Sometimes a supplier has a special on certain fish making that fish cheeper then normal and then there are certain times of the year were certain fish are less available then other times driving up the price of that fish. Also weather effects prices, if there is a storm somewhere, they charge more for shipping or sometimes delay shipping all together.

So needless to say there are many factors to take into consideration that will change the price of the same fish from store to store.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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