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Old 12-17-2012, 06:06 PM
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Delphinus Delphinus is offline
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Originally Posted by kien View Post
Well, I wouldn't say that I am necessarily NO LEDs. I'm quite open to the idea of switching to LEDs if I could just find one that I liked. This is why I've been trying a bunch out. I still prefer my MH and T5 combo for its over all look. However, if my fixture were to break today and I could not replace it with another one, I would either go with a Kessil 350W and T5 combo or just the Mitras.
Well interestingly enough I've been wanting to try the Mitras over my tank too just to see how they could compare. So far, most LED's on the market are marketed as (or "touted as") replacements for 250w, whereas I run 400w Radiums and 3 of them, so anything that is a "good choice to replace 250w" is a step down. The Mitras are the first that specifically don't limit themselves to the 250w niche.

The challenge though is that I'm not sure you get a really good picture over a longer tank like yours (or mine) with just one unit. Putting two side by side might have some cancelling effects on the colour separation ...then again it might just make it worse ... hard to anticipate! Unfortunately with the price point on these units it is an expensive proposition just to experiment with multiple units. Although given the positive comments from users I would imagine it is only a matter of time before we see larger data sample out there.

They may well be worth the price, but the flip side is that it's not a trivial thing either.

Ya, I could probably place my anemone and clowns into a cup of water and they probably wouldn't notice. In fact, they might be happier since they don't really enjoy the company of any of the other fish. Mostly they get annoyed whenever someone swims near their anemone.
I can speak a little to this. I've had my clowns and their host carpet in several different tank configurations over the years, including both larger communities and smaller dedicated setups. Before they were introduced to the 280g, they lived in a shallow 40g tank that was exclusively their home for the most part. Their behaviour however, was far more cryptic and shy in that tank than they ever were in the bigger tanks. The territory was barely a few inches, whereas now it is still small but not to anywhere near the same extreme. I am not certain if it was the tank size or shape (or confines of the smaller tank) or if it's the community/dithering effect of other fish to draw them out and force them to be a tiny bit more social.

Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
I think it's more amusement than annoyance Have you thought about riding a bike to work? Might be good for the soul to pass all the cars with one occupant. Might also be cold -lol
Feel I have spoken too much about this already but FWIW, yes I do ride a bike in the summer and interestingly it tends to make me a lot happier person overall. The problem is, unfortunately, .. me. Anything colder than about 8c and I just can't handle the chill. (If anything my tolerance for cold has gotten worse over the years.) And anything colder than 8c can start anywhere as early as September and last anywhere up to all the way to June (it's highly variable though year to year).

Originally Posted by kien View Post
3. Your tank is nicer than mine.
That is very kind of you to say, but it is simply not true.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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