Adding GFO has been overall a positive move for the tank. For now, I still continue with the Zeovit regime but I don't really think it's doing a whole lot for me.
The downsides to GFO is that in the way that I'm using it, (just one cup's worth in a TLF150 Phosban reactor) it has to be changed out weekly. If I let it slip beyond a week, I notice a difference in the tank.
Even at only changing out 1 cup per week, the cost of GFO has been a bit of an eye opener.
As far as corals go, some things do really well for me. I have had a bit of bad luck in the past few months and have lost a handful of more finicky corals, which I hope to get around to replacing at some point.
Red Planet is one that seems to do well for me. I love this coral. I wanted a red acropora for so long, probably close to a full decade before I ever found one, and the irony is when I did find one, it turned out to be one the most resilient and faster growing corals I've ever seen .... which if you think about it is rather unusual for a coveted piece like that. Usually the favourites are the ones that grow the slowest and are the first to RTN or STN if something so much as hiccups in the tank.
Here's one side of it.
Blastos being another favourite of mine, here are 2 that seem to be growing well for now:
My Rose split a little while ago and one of the daughters has been "bubbling" up like a new anemone. We all know this is a fleeting thing so it's worthy of a picture:
(... plus I just did the overall placement with the clam and the corals all around it.)
And here are some fish: