Originally Posted by reefwars
they are armor of gods or AOG as most people write it lol , the higher the light the better for these bad boys hence they reason they are almost at water height and blasted with the radion lol they are also one of my fastest grower i cut these down to a few polyps maybe a month and half ago and they are ready to be fragged again now as they will grow over everything up there if i dont keep them cut down
im guessing frags of these will be ready to go soon same with about 20 other things that need pruning lol
i did a full water test today and was surprised to see i actually couldnt get any better parameters lol i dont understand the tank seen a small water change last week but went a long time without one before that.
all nps corals are doing great, sps when i changed out my batch of gfo i lost a few pieces from that but the rest are doing great
brett want a frag?? :P
I'm down with another frag pack dude. all the stuff i got from you is looking tight =)