For flow in my tank I've been using two tunze 6105s. They are controlled by my Profilux controller and provide somewhat random water movement by alternating their speed. They've worked great for 3 years now but recently I have noticed that the Profilux control on one of them has started to act funny. I first noticed this when one of the power heads didn't stop when I activated the feed pause on my controller. Instead of trying to fix it I decided to just buy a new one and to re-purpose the defective one as a backup/general purpose mixing power head. Normally this would be somewhat of a trivial purchase. Swap out power head for a new one of the exact same model; YAWN! Well, when I got home with the new 6105 and opened it up I was pleasantly surprised by the changes and just had to post about it.
The first thing I noticed was that they now provide you with two options for the output nozzle/gate as seen here..
My original 6105 from 3 years ago didn't have those two options. Just the smaller of the two.


The other thing I noticed was the addition of noise/vibration dampeners as seen here (blue feet)..

This is also quite a nice improvement. I have taken videos under water in my tank and when I play those videos back the powerheads can be quite noisy underwater! With an original 6105 in the tank and the new one I can definitely tell the difference even though the original 6105 wasn't that noisy (outside of the water) to begin with.
I'm quite happy with these improvements. The wider output makes a huge difference in my flow patterns. Not that I had any issues with flow from my original 6105s but flow just got more better! It's much wider and more randomer in areas that were not as randomy before. I like these so much that I'll be paying the Double-Ds another visit to pick up another one of these shortly to replace the other (older) 6105 that's still in the tank.