Having JUST received an order from Burc in today, I feel compelled to post my experience.
As some of you may remember, 6 ish years or so ago I had a bad experience with a very poorly packaged box from frag a lot and vowed never to buy from him again.. And I didn't.. Until this year.
I have prolly gotten a dozen orders from Burc over the last year. Honestly I was concerned placing my first order, but I wanted mini maxi anemones and I wanted a lot of them. Burc has ALWAYS answered my emails the same day, and in most instances within an hour. He picked thru hundreds of anemones for me and took pictures of each and put up with a zillion questions from me and as pleasant the whole time. Every order came in on time and had what I ordered PLUS extras. yes I had a couple of DOAs which were replaced with no questions or pictures required. Some acros a friend ordered didn't arrive alive, and were reshipped at no cost.
Burc worked pretty hard with me to regain my trust, and that he has.
The order today I got was some colony's from his newest order, I got a wicked hybrid frogspawn that is greens and purples, a wall octo that is the coolest shade of purplish orange, and one of the purplish finger leathers I have ever seen, It looks like a bonsai acro! I HAVE to post pics later as I'm so happy with them!
His packaging was immaculate. A stryofoam box with heat packs and the corals were triple bagged and the bottom outer bags were taped with packing tape so they had a flat bottom and stood up.. No leakage whatsoever.
it's always a gamble buying corals sight unseen.. Cameras sometimes see colors differently that our eyes do, unless your a professional photographer.. Which Burc ain't
I always TELL Burc ahead of time when I want my corals shipped.. And we agree on that date and stick to it.
Anyways off my soapbox.. I just wanted to say how my experience with Burc has changed over the years.. I would and will continue buying my high end stuff from him.
I know he may get flamed, but maybe we can get him to stop by and give us the other side of the story sometime?