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Old 12-12-2012, 11:38 PM
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Stones Stones is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Regina, Saskatchewan
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Stones is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
be nice if your colonies weren't all so MASSIVE. My eyes get sore from uninterrupted AWESOMENESS.

That efflo is going to bust your front pane out!
Most would be alot larger but they really haven't grown much or at all since April when I started having issues. Since the color is finally starting to come back, I'm hoping to start seeing some growth tips again on some of the more stubborn species.

The key to getting the OK from the wife to get a bigger tank is clearly strategic placement of corals. After a year or two, if placed in a suitable location, they'll start to encroach on the sides of the tank.

So now when I show the wife that efflo, I say that poor coral is going to grow into the glass unless I get a wider tank. Checkmate.
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