Originally Posted by paddyob
Now my tang has developed white patch
On its side.
I think I'll pay extra for stores who qt. here's
My lesson. Saved $30 on a fish. Lost $150. My fire fish
Is now Mia too.
I'm ****ed. So ****ed I just shut the lights off. Might toss everything soon.
A two week qt period at the store is not very adequate to say any fish is disease free. The risk is the same from all the LFS. I have not personally had any trouble from any of the Edmonton stores but 6-8 weeks qt at home would be more realistic if this is a route you want to take. I don't know if whatever was harming your corals can be passed on to fish or vise versa. I hope your tank turns around for you and you suffer no more losses. Every now and then over the years I would have a fish go MIA, even ones I've had for many years, and would stress over it. I don't know how bad you must be feeling with 3 passing in one day. Don't toss everything, if things get really bad at least consider starting fresh.