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Old 12-07-2012, 08:52 PM
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Originally Posted by kien View Post
Poly mess top for quite a long time now. It seems to have stood the test of time.

I know you said you used one but it didn't work out for you? What was wrong with the one you made? Did it fall apart?
Yes exactly - it has completely fallen apart. It was a very terrible job to begin with - hot glue gun to wood........... It was the artful work of my boyfriend who also thought our completely green non transparent tank looked fine.... (You couldn't even see our fish anymore :l Only the lip marks on the glass from the kole tang having a hay-day).
Needless to say - things had to change! lol The tank is now at my house and looking better than ever. I just need a new top

I do like the mesh, I like that the light is fully able to penetrate - I'm worried about less light being able to pass through glass or plastic

How did you make your mesh top Kien?
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