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Old 05-12-2004, 11:36 AM
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theshad theshad is offline
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Richmond Hill
Posts: 50
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Based on the information we have received from a breeder that we supply food to, new fry need to be fed Rotifers for about the first week.

You will need to move the eggs to a seperate tank when they are ready to hatch. Once hatched you will need to ensure that There are plenty of Rotifers in the tank, the fry should not have to swin to get their food.

Aside from the Food, you will also need to do multiple daily water changes as the water quality quickly becomes an issue.

Hope this is some information you can use. We can also supply you with regular shipments of Rotifers or can supply you with what you need to get a temporary culture going.
Your Source for Live Marine Food
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