Before this thread takes a turn for the worst please note opinions were requested and I gave mine which I believe could be considered general concerns. The goal here from my understanding is constructive criticism and not slandering those who bring up concerns. Running retail stores on residential property has been against bylaw every where I've lived so I made some assumptions, I don't know what the exact laws in Edmonton are but such businesses would be quickly shut down around here with the simple complaint from a neighbor regarding reduced parking. I've known a couple people in the past having such issues with home based businesses and they weren't even close to retail. I guess the rules are different where you are and that has been clarified, this is beneficial information others may appreciate, I know I do.
For the record I am self employed, I know what's involved especially in the aquarium trade as I have past experience in that. My point was if this was a serious business venture you should consider dropping one of your other time consumers. A side line business like this will not likely take off, costing you more in the long run which appears to already be the case. IMO selling the limo business might be a good start and perhaps allowing you to do something you're more passionate about.
As for the quarantine, doesn't make sense to me but that's personal opinion based on 2 weeks not being long enough to treat most parasites. I don't think quarantine is really the right word for advertisement. It holds more purpose in observation which most stores do just not offsite.
Anyways I appreciate you addressing my concerns, my intent was to be constructive.