Leah, thanks for the support.
Sphelps, thanks for the reply.
I can appreciate the fact that people are not willing to be negative..but that is actually more what I am looking to help me better the store.
For the quarantine process, I am actually going to reduce the process to a 2 weeks process as the financial costs to go for so long are quite high.
I have 6 various quarantine systems which I rotate the fish through.
when I receive an order, I remove all current fish that have been previously quarantined in a system and put them into other systems that have previously be quarantined and place the new fish in that system.
if I do leave any fish in the system then they do not get taken out of the system for at least 3 weeks (soon to be 2)
I then replace the fish in the store that are sold from systems that have gone through the quarantine process.
As for the fact that it is in my house, i dont have the time to run a full time store as I have many other irons in the fire.
the quarantine systems are set up in my limo shop which is zoned industrial not retail, which is why I don`t have the store there.
I may look at opening a full retail store in the future, but all depends on the response (although I am going to be applying to grad school for my PhD in Psychology, so dont see it happening in the near future).
I certainly feel that I am operating on a honest level and my prices are certainly not going to cause people to come running because I am undercutting others.
I am trying to offer a good, healthy selection of stuff at reasonable prices.
As to the comment about being disorganized and dirty, to be honest i am not really sure where that is coming from.
I admit, the store is not completely finished (missing trim here and there), but everytime that I have had the store open, things have been clean and organized as much as possible.
it is a tight space, but I feel that I have done well with the 600 square feet that I have available.
thanks for the input and the concerns.
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP
Last edited by howdy20012002; 12-05-2012 at 05:57 PM.