Originally Posted by intarsiabox
Time to talk to the bank about a business loan and buy your own vac truck.They are always in high demand. You may not get any more time off but it will at least be much more gratifying.
That's another issue. I was to be 30% ownership of this truck when I got it new. My boss and I had a agreement and when I was to pay my share he cut me out and said maybe in five years😡
A combo unit right now is $450,000. And with the industry having core standards its to much money to write a saftey program. I was going to buy one this year and my boss told me he wouldn't contract me. The thing is that when myself and friend approached this company they had no vac truck work and we brought our customers with us. If I can manage to stay local. He knows the work will leave with me. And I won't go back up north. I've applied for a local operators job with oil company and have had more than my share of job offers but I don't want to jump around. I worked up north for 10 years and want to stay local now. I think really all I need is a holiday. I have one planned for march but that's not soon enough.
Rant over😉