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Old 12-04-2012, 05:20 AM
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Rice Reef Rice Reef is offline
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
I'll save you the trouble

I think the richness you describe is totally a matter of opinion. Personally I think a tank lit by T5s alone doesn't look very good at all in person but they photograph better than any other due to even light distribution. However the shimmer and contrast is way better in person, much more natural and the light focuses on the coral better.
Thanks! One light does seem to cover a lot of that tank... In that case I would run two like yours...

You may have a point on the t5s and it may be the overkill in the shimmering effect from the Radions that I find less appealing that is steering me to look at other lighting options. If I do change to the Mitras I would still keep my Radions... For the second tank, of course.
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