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Old 12-03-2012, 02:31 AM
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bigmac bigmac is offline
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Location: Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 64
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Thanks for the replies so far. I'd be very curious to see the TDS readings of the water after it was run through maybe two ro/DI systems (without the membranes in either). Therefore it would go through two sediment filters, two carbon filters and two resin chambers without passing through the membranes. It's an odd thought; I'm aware of that. Just curious if it would work and what the readings would be.
I'm not able to re-use the water for my washing machine as the tank will be in the basement and the washer is two floors above (or should I say it's too much work and it makes my head hurt). I'm not a fan of dumping it into the hot water heater as the extra energy utilized to heat the water isn't appealing.
I've also seen an article somewhere about baking the DI resin to recharge it (or was that just a dream I had). Anywho; I'll continue to do some more investigation and some testing once I'm closer to the new build.
Keep any comments or ideas coming.
New 280 gallon inwall in planning stages;details, details, details.
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