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Old 12-02-2012, 08:24 PM
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oyf709 oyf709 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Vancouver BC
Posts: 61
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it is always funny that someone assume something that they donno about. The reason behind the fake coral was that I don't have a small salt water tank to do the display and my 60G was way too big for the 2 nano touch and no it is not recommended for that size. Since google is your friend, you should be able to find out more about the Zetlight Nano from 3reef or nanoreefblog. The couple pictures are from 2 guys that got the light from me, I personally never tried it with SPS, however, some guy on 3reef posted a picture about the light is able to grow SPS and you guys can just check it out. BTW, there are more than just 1 person got the Zetlight pro from me, I think I probly sold about 30 to 40 fixtures by now and I wish they can come out and do some true reviews, people like , or I think I even traded couple the ZP2500 to someone for a skimmer and a CA reactor few months back.

PS: The reason there is a salfin tang in the 60g is mainly due to the down size from 120g to 60g. My wife refused to give up the 2 tang we had and I am force to settle with them in my tank for now till I move to a new house.

EDIT one more time: BTW I made both crap video on youtube, only made them for 3reef as Zetlight is 3reef sponsor and the company didn't bother to do any follow up or update on information. So as someone selling their light, I took on the responsibility to do it myself with personal camera. My purpose was only trying to show the functionality and not the actual performance. If I want to fake it I can easily change some existing establish tank and put the light on then shoot the footage. However, that is not my purpose. I also not going to change my user name, I used it on youtube, use it here, use it on ebay and etc is because I want people to know I am same person and not afraid to be tracked. If I am so concern about getting tracked because selling some junk to people then I would of go with different user names. It is ok to question the light's performance, but if you questioning my purpose of doing the video and saying I am just trying to scam people, then you are attacking me directly.
~* <3 NEMO <3 *~

Last edited by oyf709; 12-02-2012 at 08:35 PM.
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