Originally Posted by Elias@caco3reef.com
from reading the information available on this unit,it seems that even running them at the max that would only mean running the unit at 500ma witch is 1/2 or even 1/3 of the power some of the newer led runs at.(not even mentioning the what come with the new units now)
For a shallow tank I think this unit will work,growing SPS would work maybe for a 18" or lower.
Information I would ask the seller are;
output power of each driver.
type of led rating by the manufacturer as a model or given number bin for these leds.
Probably as rated they run at 90 degree beam angle witch means they have lens?
over heating shutoff sensors.
I am sure more folks would shime in.
Oh by the way I don't think this unit would come close to a 250W halide.

Those are some nice infos that I can ask the seller
Some people at 3reef claims that they are as bright as 400MH. Some are even comparing them with AI SOL. I have no clue in this field but they look really promising!