Man this year has been a nightmare.
After almost 7 years in this hobby, I am now losing sleep.
I am losing corals left right and center (about 50 dead!!!!) and testing is not helping me out at all.
My parameters all look within reason... and where they have pretty much always been. And no matter what I try.... nothing helps.
If someone (experienced) wants to come by one day and have a look... give advice and comfort me while I cry into my beer, let me know.
I'll have cold beer on hand for the willing. And I would be appreciative of the help.
*** possible concerns... bio pellets and auto doser. The pellets I have run for a long time... the doser "coincidentally" lines up with the beginning of my problems.... maybe its the Kh causing PH fluctuations? I just don't know. But everytime I look at my tank I feel like throwing a rock at it.....
Anyways. Stressed that my tank went to **** in no time flat after years of perfect everything.