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Old 11-30-2012, 10:05 PM
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Originally Posted by mandyplo View Post
So I filed a claim with PayPal this morning I'm going to try to cancel my order because Burc has still failed to reply to me or send me my goods. I hope the refund goes smoothly, I left him this message in the dispute through PayPal. You guys think its a fair message??

7/9/2012 10:40 GMT-04:00 - Buyer: Sorry Burc but I've given you plenty of time to process my order and my requests but I'm at the point now where I'm canceling my order. After reading many negative reviews about the way you deal with customers and the shipments that you send, I was still willing to give you a chance and see if those were one off experiences and that maybe you were overall a great vendor. But after seeing the lack of commitment to your customers first hand I have decided not to risk my order after all. I am sorry we couldn't do business, but after reading one last bad review this morning I've decided to place my money in more responsible hands.

I think this email is going to hinder any further communication. I would have left the feed back until after you got the refund.

Insulting him will not speed up this issue. In fact I bet you get your order now and not the refund. He has no obligation to refund your order once processed.

Best of luck.

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