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Old 11-30-2012, 09:26 PM
Aysha Aysha is offline
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 238
Aysha is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
Wow, and I thought we gave our fish bad names !!!

What a tragic meeting of fishies names ...

I hope you find another to add to your tank, or at least another critter who makes you happy
I had no idea they were nasty! I even asked Neal before I brought him home!
I named him Sashimi because if I ever catch him....

On a side note I found my emerald crab upside down in the back of the tank and the new urchin has constructed the most lovely hat.

About Glue...I use model glue (crazy glue, We build plastic models so...)after I compared the ingredients to coral glue and found them identical I usually hit it with a spray that makes the glue cure faster or so it claims. The day I buy a 20.00 bottle of crazy glue...its right up their with buying 20.00 media bags and filter socks...oh and "special" plastic aquarium mesh,50.00 algae scrapers too!!!
There’s two fish in a tank. One turns to the other and says 'You man the cannons, I’ll drive’
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