It is good liver rock and some of it is very porous.
I am not sure when the nitrates actually got to this level because I stopped testing for a few months when the tank seemed happy, and it still is happy. Algae is not a huge problem, but I did add a couple of SPS which I never tried before. The tank was previously stocked with mainly LPS which were/are doing good. I added a monti and an acro which are showing good growth, but the colors are not.
Red Sea NO3:PO4-X.
Originally Posted by denny@conceptaquatics
no because as the left over nutrients rot more they produce more nitrates, the quality of your liverock has alot to do with it too, if its base rock or not pourous its not going to be as effective as rock that is more pourous.
how long have you had nitrate issues
have you considered carbon dosing