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Old 11-30-2012, 04:49 PM
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Default Help me win a new desk for work! PLEASE

So, it turns out I have the crappiest desk in the company... also a dumping area for everyone that passes through! I am hoping you guys will help vote for me to get a desk and cabinet set-up with drawers that lock. Last month someone stole my ipod out of my desk drawer, and a $80 pelican flashlight. I also have a problem with Mice getting into my drawers... no food is kept in there, but i have to have traps set up at all times, as the underneath and back are wide open to the critters. The picture on there is the clean version of my desk on a Wednesday morning. On a Monday morning you can't see any of the desk, posted notes are everywhere including the middle of my computer screen (guess i should have taken a picture on a monday)... a general dumping ground that I have to clean up everyday and wash down.
If I do get the new desk, I will be allowed to re-setup a small saltwater tank and I want that SO badly. I miss having my fish at work!!

I know some other entries are worse them mine, but my limited friend base here is hurting my chances.. so I ask you all, as my online friends to give me a hand and vote for me every chance you get! Heck even if 10 of you vote daily... it's a huge step forward, as the company can't afford a new desk at this time.

Please help if you can!!! Just a simple click on my pic with my name - Lyndsy Maksym I will be forever grateful!!

Click the link below, go to "Vote Now" and I am in 2nd place currently! please help put me in fist and keep me there!!!
Flash - Free Agent

Fb- edmonton fish coral and hardware buy and sell!
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