One more week, then the Kole and Gramma go into the DT
The Kole will have been in QT for 12 weeks, and the Gramma for 14

I've let the Mag drop to normal levels so there's lots of algae for the Kole to pick at
I'm happy to report that, besides the loss of the purple firefish in QT, I've only lost one other critter ( snails don't count ) ...
I had a bright red digi frag, but it faded away to a skeleton
Growth is good and I'm keeping records on Alk and Ca usage. I plan on manually dosing daily from a weekly pre-mix, and it looks like I'll need about 2Tbsp of each per week - for now
Here's a long overdue FTS
6 fish, and only one fully visible ... Can't wait to get the Kole in there, and some Wrasses
It looks like someone's been busy ... I suspect the Ceriths