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Old 11-29-2012, 06:05 PM
mikeclarke mikeclarke is offline
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Location: Fernie, BC
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Originally Posted by FishyFishy! View Post
No, not really. You need a dedicated section for a fuge. Do you have another section in the sump? Can't do one in either a skimmer section or a return section. However, if you have live rock in your sump, that will host some pods and such, but a fuge is best for sure.

The idea is that there will be nothing in there to kill, or eat the pod colonies. No crabs, no fish, minimal pumps etc.. Snails to clean the glass, and something to turn the dsb (if you have one) like a star or a cucumber. And some macro for nutrient export.
I suppose I could put them underneath the filter sock section before the baffles and the heater. Or I have a couple feet section of space for my skimmer. Maybe I could divide that in half.
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