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Old 11-29-2012, 03:33 AM
vancityyardy vancityyardy is offline
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Are we saying that everyone was just in the hunt for my Blonde?

Come on guyz lots of fish here

Originally Posted by vancityyardy View Post


The wife says it's gotta go now... (AND NOW IT'S REALLY GOTTA GO) 135g FOWLR tank with a 50g DIY sump stocked with a few different type of fishes:
1x Naso Blonde Tang-L <- SOLD
1x Sailfin Tang-L <- $30
1x Yellow Tang-L <- SOLD
1x Hippo Tang-XL <- $70
1x Lion Fish-L <- $30
1x Coris Wrasse-M (Juv) <- $15
1x Bird Wrasse-L <- $30
1x Formosa Wrasse-M <- $40
1x Lawnmower Blenny-L <- $10
1x Tomato Clown-M <- $10
1x Perc Clown-M <- $10
1x Black Ribbon Eel-M <- $50
2x Engineer Goby-XL <- 20
1x Cuban Hogfish-L <- $80
2x Sea Urchins <- $5each
Assorted Damsels <- $3/each

Mix Live Rocks <- $3/lb

Also equipped with a Vertex 180 (needs pump), a 72" Coralife Metal Halide/Compact Fluorescent fixture with matching canopy and stand, a few Hydor Koralia Evolution (w/ controller for 2), heaters & a few other things. Let me know if you have any questions or if you are interested.

$700 o.b.o takes it all.
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