Aloha and thanks for looking!
Here's what I have to offer this time around:
Watermelon Chalice - $25 toonie sized frags
Classic purple Chalice.
Insane Xmas special Chalice - $30 nickel sized frags, going up to $45 once Xmas is over
This is one of the nicest corals I have seen in a very long time! Positively glows under good lighting.
Orange Snakeskin Chalice - $50 toonie sized frags, I'm going up to $75 once Xmas is over
Real meal deal here folks - Electric orange, hard to capture with the camera though.
Neon Green Candycane - $20 2/3 polyp frags
Brightest green you'll put in your tank.
Dendrophyllias - $20/polyp, available as single, double or triple polyp frags
Tyree Cyphastrea japonica - $30 loonie sized frags
Of course, I still have a host of Deepwater Zoas at Good Guy Xmas pricing:
Deepwater Eagle Eyes - $15, reg. $20
Deepwater Watermelons - $15, reg $20
Deepwater LA Lakers - $15, reg. $20
Deepwater Emerald Fires - $15, reg $25
(left side)
Also, I'll do Good Guy discounts:
Buy any three frags, get a free Deepwater Zoa from what I have left.