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Old 11-26-2012, 08:06 PM
vancityyardy vancityyardy is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Vancouver, BC
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vancityyardy is on a distinguished road



The wife says it's gotta go now... (AND NOW IT'S REALLY GOTTA GO) 135g FOWLR tank with a 50g DIY sump stocked with a few different type of fishes:
1x Naso Blonde Tang-L <- SOLD
1x Sailfin Tang-L <- $30
1x Yellow Tang-L <- SOLD
1x Hippo Tang-XL <- $70
1x Lion Fish-L <- $30
1x Coris Wrasse-M (Juv) <- $15
1x Bird Wrasse-L <- $30
1x Formosa Wrasse-M <- $40
1x Lawnmower Blenny-L <- $10
1x Tomato Clown-M <- $10
1x Perc Clown-M <- $10
1x Black Ribbon Eel-M <- $50
2x Engineer Goby-XL <- 20
1x Cuban Hogfish-L <- $80
2x Sea Urchins <- $5each
Assorted Damsels <- $3/each

Mix Live Rocks <- $3/lb

Also equipped with a Vertex 180 (needs pump), a 72" Coralife Metal Halide/Compact Fluorescent fixture with matching canopy and stand, a few Hydor Koralia Evolution (w/ controller for 2), heaters & a few other things. Let me know if you have any questions or if you are interested.

$700 o.b.o takes it all.

Last edited by vancityyardy; 11-26-2012 at 08:09 PM. Reason: Update
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