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Old 11-26-2012, 05:07 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by paddyob View Post
So my assumption would be... Do not order one... Wait until one comes in?

Ken a blue world is supposedly doing an order and the prices were good... But maybe not safe bet. The order probably won't happen anyways based on past offers.
I would say that they're only a bit more difficult than other leopards (only because they aren't shipped properly. The need to be shipped with sand!) but they have all the same afflictions that other leopards suffer from. If they're not eating, it's usually an internal parasite and you can usually treat them.

I've ordered two. The first one I had for about 2 or 3 weeks. It was eating just fine until one day it was acting super weird and decided to bury itself in the sand, only to never return. The second is the one I have now and it's a fat bastard.

If you order them, you'll probably be OK, but you'll need to be ready to deal with anything that pops up, namely internal parasites. Unlike other fish, this is one fish that I would not QT if possible. They need to get into the main tank quick. If they are suffering from obvious afflictions, QT and treat. If they're not eating its probably internal parasites.

There is a good RC thread on leopard wrasses. I think I'm the only one there with a Potter's (at least last year I was) and I was having more success than the other leopards.
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