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Old 11-26-2012, 05:02 PM
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don't use bleach.....not required

Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
Well, I just did my first cleaning using bleach. After pre-rinsing, I let it soak in a pail with bleach added for a day, and then thoroughly rinsed it again before letting it sit in fresh water for another day.

I removed it from the fresh water, and rinsed it again. But to my surprise, I can still detect a faint odor of bleach on the filter bag. I haven't dried it yet, so maybe that is still necessary.

But I assume bleach is very bad for my tank. How much is allowable? Is rinsing and soaking in fresh water for a couple days enough?

I haven't gone the clothes washer route yet, but might try that in the future, if I buy some extras.

I am using the CPR 7" 200 micron socks with the plastic handles. They are very thick and stiff, and was not able to turn them inside out for easier rinsing.
I'm out.
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