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Old 11-25-2012, 09:23 PM
redearslider redearslider is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 44
redearslider is on a distinguished road
Question Looking for a Fish Babysitter for the holidays!

Is anyone in Edmonton willing to visit my home once daily in between December 22nd-26th?

The tanks that will need to be looked after are;
1. 60g freshwater with bala sharks
2. 90g tank with Michelangelo the red eared slider
3. 41G reef tank

I live on the west end, Mayfield area.
There are so many pet sitters out there, but I would hate to pay someone to overfeed my tank, or do something to mess it up while I am gone! I would rather pay someone who knows what they are doing.

Please let me know!

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