DIY? Here's what I came up with. I kept snapping the tabs off the cheap scraper tool with the long handles that you see at all the LFS. You know, the ones with the interchangeable cleaning ends. In fact, I broke the stupid handle too & made a better replacement out of wood. Such garbage, a little extra pressure & the metal tube handle kinked over like a broken ski pole.
Anyhow, here's a photo of the deal. Note the broken scraper next to the modified mag float for reference. Actually still use this by holding it in my hand & getting into the tank up to my armpit from time to time, but still need something to get near the bottom. I used Gorilla Glue to attach the scraper which I trimmed down. The blade part protrudes a bit past the edge of the mag float cleaning pad, so that part is useless. Usually when I use this, I run a regular mag float alongside simultaneously.