I purchased a Reef Octopus WB 7000 and WB 3000 from Reef Supplies, since you only need 500 gph
Ray is a terrific person to deal with, bought my 2 - 60" Sunbrite F's from him, excellent customer service.
My rant:
I went to Aquarium Illusions, since they are the Reef Octopus supplier, their price was 350.00 for the WB 7000, I told them everyone one is selling them for 260.00, left my name and number over 3 weeks ago, no return call.
Their Website state they match prices, when I was there, they even looked up the competitors website online for price verification. Sales person told me, they will get back to me.
They lost a sale on a WB 7000, WB 3000 and a RO gate valve, so much for trying to support your LFS. I will be purchasing a WB 2000 for my external RO skimmer.