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Old 11-24-2012, 06:16 PM
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I've got The Reef Aquarium Vol 2 by Delbeek and Sprung (1997) which talks exclusively of the care for soft coral and anemones. It names a polychaete or two that might eat an anemone but says nothing of vinegar dipping. But as you've just witnessed polychaetes tend to hide out in the rocks near the anemone and not on the surface of them. I also tried several searches on RC for 'anemone vinegar dip', 'anemone vinegar pest', and 'anemone vinegar parasite' but all it turned up was ways of killing anemones.

Most of my 19 books came from the 1995-2005 era and little has changed. I'd expect something newer would probably have a little bit of information on LED lighting, organic carbon dosing and the care of non photosynthetic coral but the rest of the information would still be current and valid. Books from the 1980s and early 90's talked of skimmers as being some new and wonderful thing, suggested using under gravel filters and wet/dry trickle filters.

Originally Posted by Dearth View Post
... but as to the possibly unknown critters I am playing by ear
In addition to aptasia watch out for flatworms, small crabs, red bugs, bubble algae, pyramid snails, sundial snails, hydroids, large grey bristle worms, mantis shrimp and majano anemones in this town. There are many tanks here that have or have had these pests at one time or another. Total Pet tends to get quiet a few of them as a result when people bring liverock back to the store.
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