Originally Posted by Zoaelite
FOCUS GREG! 36 hours awake and driving!!! Get home, feed the fish and get to bed bud you deserve some sleep!
Glad to hear your almost home safe though, the roads out there are disgusting right now.
Well the first 60 km was a little tough with each lane having 4 lines each but then my back painkillers with caffeine kicked in

and the roads where actually not that bad.
Originally Posted by Coralgurl
You must be flying Greg, get some rest, drive safe!
Well......... Around 130 km/hr +or- 10 km
Coolest thing since the ISO 6 update I now have voice to txt with my $4000 after market head unit I put in my truck..........just need an amp & some kick arse speakers.............VOLBEAT @ 30 just wasn't loud enough tonight.
Sheena, did you take anything home tonight?
Levi, what kind of zoa's where the colony you took home?