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Old 11-22-2012, 03:50 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 6,186
reefwars will become famous soon enough

well im a bit mad now i lost my favorite sps the hulk acro(sorry greg!!)

not sure what happened , went to e town yesterday and it was fine yesterday morning... came home last night and in 12ish hours it rtn'd completely

i cant even get another as the person i got it off also lost it , im not sure if its the species or if it was me , ive made some changes that resulted in some coral loss over the past few days.

a few days ago i increased the amount of gfo by a fair bit, my girlfriend also changed out 100% of the water(display tank only) as feeding phyto is changing the color of the water and the current sg is 1.018 so a fair bit low, on top of that my heater cut out last night and i forgot to change my return nozzle back to its origional place after cleaning the tank out and the result is alot less flow as most my flow comes from the return pump.i also took down the growtank so the whole system now loses 50g of water volume so all this hit harder then it normally would.

i also had some high phosphates as i was lazy changing the gfo out this month, it was 0.64 on the hanna i got it down to 0.43 now after some new gfo.

lost a few collector zoos, bleached my chalices and australomussa, black suncoral is almost toast, blueberrys didnt open for the past 2 days, algae bloom and lost my cleaner shrimp. 2 sps died and my other gorgs were pretty ****ed,also lost my branching red cyph.

anyways the system is fine and off rolling again overall the casualties werent many its just i hate losing coral.

now with that said i have cool news , im going to be chaging the tank a bit .....not the design but the actual new tank itself. i am having a custom made tank built to house the bonsai and dave from concept aquatics just designed a really cool tank design that gave me an awesome idea for my new tank....ill share more soon about that

added some new corals:

another blueberry gorg
another yellow sun colonie
bee stinger monti
misc zoos/palys
squamosa clam(probably for my copperband lol )
spiral gorg
poker star monti
birds of paradise
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