Not good.....every fish that I was able to catch has died in the hospital tank. there are two remaining in the main tank (hippo tang and green wrasse). I abandoned trying to catch them. I've spent all night last night and today again since I've been home. I've taken out the rock but it just isn't happening. the green wrasse burrows himself into the sand and cannot be found. The hippo so far seems to be 100% healthy and just way too fast to catch. I've tried to add a glass barrier but I'm still having a hell of a time.
The fish that I was able to catch were not as fast due to the disease and were basically beyond hope.
I'm gonna give it a snother shot but is there any chance that fish can fight it off on their own?? If not, I'll keep trying. I did notice that they do have a white film on them. is it too late?
The only silver lining here is that I can now start treating my aiptasia outbreak. I'll by a bunch of peppermint shrimp and not feed the tank. Hopefully this forces them to eat off the aiptasia
Last edited by ickmagnet; 11-22-2012 at 12:51 AM.