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Old 11-20-2012, 08:32 PM
Murph Murph is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 14
Murph is on a distinguished road

Still Havin probs hey give a peppermint a try jus sayin there like 15 buks there worth a try I have bought alot of coral latley with aptasia on it and now none I seem my peppermint about three am basically pinching away where it was I have zero apatasia other tankmates are fairy wrasse,sunrise dottyback,orchid dotty pair of sebae clowns which I have seen attack it as well regal,yellow tang cleaner shrimp/peppermint lots of turbos and hermits if it does not get better you may have to attack it with a syringe and pure lemon juice inject right into the mouth it's a safe way as well but when you have an outbreak of aptasia I think a crew of supposedly known eaters at least one should work lol happy reefing.
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