Originally Posted by Titus99
You could house zoas. But if you house to many softies then you need to run a reactor with "good" carbon. To absorb the chemicals that the softies put out. Even some lps like chalices can play chemical warfare.
I alway put it like this softies kill all. Lol and yes as Levi said nana means none
Find another table something you can put a small sump under. Get a return pump. Drill your tank. ( which u can do with all inhabitants still in tank)
Consider carbon dosing of some kind. Prodibio will cost you $100 bucks a year in your small tank. If you don't already.
I have about 6" clearance down the table and that's it. No other table is there
I do run carbon and chemi pure in, (ahmm) HOB filter. It kinda works well since the water looses its odor within an hour or something after the tank gets disturbed in maintenance or WC.
Can you really drill tank without completely emptying it? :| Never knew that!