Originally Posted by Xyres
Mainly because I want larger fish and to experiment more into corals and a tank with a sump system rather than a lame canister filter. And as for water chemistry I check it every day and tried everything to get nitrates down. Starting a new tank there are a few things I would do differently which is one of the main reasons I want to get a new tank.
Wanting larger fish is definitely a good reason to upgrade :-) However, larger fish means larger poop, means you'll need a larger filtration system. But ya, a new tank will help you to solve some of those issues that you're having now. You can design it exactly the way you want it, rather than constantly trying to MacGyver your way through your current setup.
Size is totally a matter of opinion. Some guys don't think 300g is big, while others think 90g is big. Maybe instead of just purely looking at size think about what dimensions you might want. Consider this in conjunction with what types of fish you will want to keep and what type of aquascaping you want to achieve with your reef.