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Old 11-19-2012, 02:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Titus99 View Post
There are pros and cons of large and small tanks.

Large systems equal money and time. All you equipment is more expensive.ore salt. More for dosing. More time for maintaining tank
But I found water quality more stable

Small tanks are cheaper and less time. But you are limited on fish

I've had 180g and my current 26gallon. To be honest I like my little tank much more.

I have a 180 and 55 and I like my 55 more. I understand wanting bigger as there are more options for fish, but like Titus said, bigger = more expensive everything, time etc.

You will need at least 1 more light fixture, I have 3 radions on my 180, 2 mp40's and 2 koralias for power heads, skimmer, dual reactor for carbon and gfo, controller and doser on my tank. If you are going bigger, I would suggest 120-180 gl, plus sump is a whole new learning experience.

Good luck whatever you decide and make sure you start a build thread!
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