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Old 11-19-2012, 04:26 AM
Xyres Xyres is offline
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Kamloops
Posts: 38
Xyres is on a distinguished road
Default So I am going to be getting a new for reefing. I need a little input.

So in about 6 months to a year I will be getting a new tank. I am looking to get a tank between 180 and 240 from Aquatic Concepts but I am not too sure on the size. Would bigger really be better in the case of a new reefer? My current tank is a 55g FOWLR due to the fact that I have always had slight issues with nitrates.

That being said the other thing is my cost. I have a few things that I know I am going to have to spend money. So far this is my list.

Live rock: 750 - 1000$
Tank w/ sump and stand: 1500 - 2500$
Pumps: Vortech MP40 and maybe MP60 (Already have a 40)
Lighting: Two Radions (Already have one)

After that I'm not too sure how much my expenses should be. Sure there are a lot of important things like reactors and skimmers but I am not too sure how much I should be spending or what to be getting to have a reliable tank set up.

Thanks for the help in advance.
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