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Old 11-18-2012, 03:34 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 6,186
reefwars will become famous soon enough

remember what i told you yesterday about gfo , your first batch gets used up fast so change it out after a week or 2, and for your second batch add another 1/3 cup to the amount your using now , test your display and test the output on your reactor , your reactor should always read pretty darn close to zero.

pull out every little strand you can before filling up on your second batch, since you have leds and no super crazy light demanding corals kill your whites a bit and go more actinic.

within a week your see the remaining hair algae start to turn greyish , feel free to keep it pruned while the the algae is starving.

near the end scrub all you can(outside the tank if possible) off the rocks and a large water change.

with all that in mind unless you have fun doing this i woud target where the phosphates are coming from initially

cheers and nice meeting you yesterday
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