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Old 11-17-2012, 11:18 PM
Mike-fish Mike-fish is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Ardrossan,Alberta
Posts: 460
Mike-fish is on a distinguished road

i have both and both well built tanks. the biocube skimmer is a piece of junk never has really pulled any thing out of the water and you keep having to replace the air stone in it about once a month (last i checked it only comes standard with the hqi model) the skimmer on the rsm 130 works great and once dialed in is very low maintenance just clean out the collection cup as needed its a little noisy as well. one feature i like about the rsm is it has integrated electrical runs and has an awesome individually switched and labeled power bar for all the stock systems. while the biocube doesn't just a hole in the back to route out the power cords leaving you with a big mess of wires behind the tank. depending on the model of the biocube it may have a rufugium chamber. the pumps in the rsm seem to be less reliable and rather finicky. myself i find the rsm a bit better in some aspects but lacking in others and overpriced as well unless they dropped the price on them.
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