Originally Posted by The Grizz
I would say that your coral & coralline is just absorbing this much & you just need to up what your dosing. What's your coral growth like? Noticeable changes?
Decent changes, but I thought not enough to warrant this kind of usage
I mean, come on, it's only a 75g with new frags ...
Originally Posted by Rice Reef
Greg, are you dosing and how much were you dosing before and now? Have you changed salt? Are you adding DIY Ca and Alk and are you manually dosing or using a doser? These may also affect your levels if there are inconsistencies etc...
I'm monitoring and dosing as the days go by, and this is why I started this post
I haven't changed salt and I am dosing with some Seachem stuff to keep up
I'm shocked how much I'm using
Last week I used enough to dose 1 TBSP of Alk and 2 TBSP of Ca just to keep up
Originally Posted by RDNanoGuy
As your tank matures and the frags start to take off you will have to adjust your dosing amounts accordingly. My two football size clams can drop drop the CA in my 165g 30ppm a day! Thank god for calcium reactors! 
All my frags are still little critters, so I don't get it